
Teaching Preschool Partners
Reliable Credit is pleased to contribute $20,000 to Teaching Preschool Partners. Teaching Preschool Partners was founded as a non-profit in 2014 in Portland, Oregon by Judy Graves, founding director of Opal School and the Center for Learning of the Portland Children’s Museum, and Catherine Willmott, former investment banker and Opal School parent. The mission of Teaching Preschool Partners (“TPP”) is to strengthen quality preschool and K-3 education for children from historically unserved communities through the creation of teaching preschools and inquiry-based professional development opportunities. TPP’s teaching preschools function both as classrooms and as demonstration sites. As classrooms, the preschools are devoted to serving children furthest from opportunity. As demonstration sites, the classrooms operate as teaching laboratories to support teachers who are attracted to inquiry-based instruction through observation, dialogue, and reflection.
For more information on Teaching Preschool Partners, go to: http://teachingpreschoolpartners.org

Children’s Center
Children’s Center in Oregon City supports and medically assesses children who are suspected victims of abuse or neglect. They provide child abuse evaluation services, family support services, and community outreach and education. In February 2015, Children’s Center received its National Children Alliance accreditation by achieving all 10 standards of excellence for effective, efficient, and consistent child abuse intervention services. To learn more please visit them at www.childrenscenter.cc. Reliable Credit provided $25,000 to their building campaign and continues to provide financial resources to help support their critical services.

Harper’s Playground
Harper’s Playground is a non-profit organization dedicated to inspiring vital communities by creating innovative playgrounds for people of all abilities. They are building a more inclusive world, one playground at a time. Reliable Credit is a proud supporter of their mission, and has been involved since the organization’s inception in 2010. Harper’s Playground was founded by Harper’s parents, April & Cody Goldberg, to ensure that their little girl, who uses a walker, could join in the fun of their neighborhood playground. Opened in 2012, the playground was such an immediate success with kids of all ability levels that they decided to continue forward, committed to changing the way all playgrounds are built in the future. Reliable Credit’s President served as an original board member for Harper’s Playground. To learn more visit www.harpersplayground.org.

Doernbecher Children’s Hospital
Reliable Credit is pleased to contribute $40,000 to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Foundation to benefit the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry located at the Oregon Health & Science University. After meeting with the Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the Coordinator/Instructor of the Collaborative Problem Solving Program and a Major Gift Officer to learn more about the amazing services they provide we are excited to provide them financial support.
The Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) model is used with children with a wide range of social, emotional, and behavioral challenges across a variety of settings; including families, schools, mentoring organizations and foster care agencies to therapeutic programs such as inpatient psychiatry units, residential treatment and juvenile detention facilities. CPS provides a common philosophy, language and structured process for understanding and helping kids.
For more information about Collaborative Problem Solving please visit thinkkids.org/cps-overview.

Brigadier General James B. Thayer Oregon Military Museum
Reliable Credit has pledged $75,000 to the Historical Outreach Foundation to help fund the Brigadier General James B. Thayer Oregon Military Museum. The museum will celebrate and commemorate Oregon’s military heritage; its past, present and future. Every branch of service will be honored; Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine. For generations, hundreds of thousands of Oregonians have served their country at home and abroad and the museum will help preserve their legacy. The Historical Outreach Foundation provides comprehensive educational resources to school age students and the community for preserving, sharing and honoring Oregon’s rich military history.
Brigadier General James B. Thayer is one of Oregon’s finest military leaders. He earned the prestigious Silver and Bronze stars for his combat heroics for the U.S. Army in Europe during World War II. Second Lieutenant Thayer’s anti-tank mine platoon discovered and liberated a Nazi death camp in Austria, saving the lives of over 15,000 Hungarian Jewish refugees. Reliable Credit’s founder and Chairman was an Intelligence Officer in the US Army assigned to the Korean Military Advisory Group during the Korean War, and he served in the Army Reserve under Brigadier General Thayer.

Children’s Cancer Association
The Children’s Cancer Association has a passionate commitment and focus to deliver the resources, friendship and the healing power of music to families facing serious pediatric illness. They specialize in the moment, delivering immediate help to kids and teens facing life threatening illness. While we long for the day when there’s a cure for cancer, until that day arrives, CCA is there for kids facing the biggest battle of their lives who need help today. To learn more please visit www.joyrx.org. Reliable Credit is proud to support CCA as an Ambassador of Courage since 2001.

AFSA Education Foundation
The American Financial Services Association Education Foundation (AFSAEF), an affiliate of the American Financial Services Association (AFSA), was established in February 1990 as a non-profit organization to heighten consumers’ awareness of personal financial responsibility. AFSAEF’s mission is to help consumers realize the benefits of responsible money management, understand the credit process, and seek help if credit problems occur. The foundation provides numerous educational publications on consumer finance related topics such as Understanding Credit Cards, Understanding Vehicle Financing, Understanding Personal Loans, Mortgage Loans, Consumer Budget Planner and Manage Your Holiday Spending. AFSAEF also provides a free, online, reality-based personal finance course for young adults called MoneySKILL. This interactive curriculum teaches money management fundamentals to middle school, high school and college students. Reliable Credit is pleased to support AFSAEF, and our founder and Chairman is a long-time board member of the AFSAEF.

The Dougy Center
The Dougy Center’s mission is to provide support in a safe place where children, teens, young adults and their families grieving a death can share their experiences. They currently serve around 450 children and 300 adult family members each month. Their open-ended peer support groups are divided by age, type of death (illness, sudden death, murder, suicide) and who died (parent, sibling). The Dougy Center has received national and international acclaim for their pioneering peer support model for helping children cope with the death of a family member. You can learn more at www.dougy.org. Reliable Credit’s Corporate Secretary provided many hours of volunteer support for 8 years to The Dougy Center’s mission, and the company has donated in excess of $100,000 in financial support.