Reliable Credit has purchased retail installment contracts from approved dealers for more than 60 years. We purchase contracts for the purchase of retail goods and services such as automobiles, motorcycles, and recreational vehicles.
Working with Reliable Credit
Instead of offering a “one size fits all” approach to contract buying, we listen to all our dealers’ needs to employ buying programs designed to reasonably fit each dealer’s financial goals. We offer non-recourse, limited recourse, and full recourse programs. And depending on value, we can buy contracts at par, at a discount, or at a premium.
Experience Still Matters
Although we use a variety of technologies to help us underwrite buyer’s creditworthiness and decide a contract’s value, the final buying decision always rests with an experienced credit officer. This “human element” helps us to make sound, logical, and consistent credit decisions. Furthermore, our credit officers will provide service with a smile, professionalism and in a manner consistent with how they wish to be treated.
Connecting with Technology
Approved dealers can submit credit applications to Reliable Credit via the Dealertrack, DealerCenter, RouteOne, and CUDL platforms, as well as by fax. We currently accept digital contracts through Dealertrack.